Training //How to make investigative journalism more accessible to the public

Mihaela Cibotaru

Editors and journalists from various media institutions in Chisinau enhanced their skills in presenting investigative journalism in a more engaging manner during a training organized by the Center for Investigative Journalism, with the support of International Media Support (IMS). The trainers for the session were two distinguished specialists in investigative journalism from Denmark, Charlotte Aagaard and Johan Seidenfaden, both associated with Danwatch.

Over the course of two days, participants in the training were introduced to tools that aid in presenting information and extensive data concisely and clearly, ensuring easy comprehension by readers. According to journalist Charlotte Aagaard, it is a well-established fact that information is more digestible when presented graphically. However, the graphical representation must also be crafted in a way that allows readers to grasp the essence at a glance and effortlessly follow the investigative thread.

Simultaneously, the Danish journalists shared techniques and experiences from the Danwatch editorial office, illustrating how subjects can be presented from various perspectives to create a more nuanced understanding.

Additionally, the experts discussed techniques for turning an investigation into more than just a compilation of information, data, and evidence but rather into a narrative that invites the reader to delve into the story.


Mihaela Cibotaru

Textele de pe pagina web a Centrului de Investigații Jurnalistice sunt realizate de jurnaliști, cu respectarea normelor deontologice și sunt protejate de dreptul de autor. Preluarea textelor știrilor și a investigațiilor jurnalistice se realizează în limita maximă de 500 de semne. În mod obligatoriu, în cazul paginilor web (portaluri, agenții, instituţii media sau bloguri) trebuie indicat şi linkul direct la articolul preluat de pe în primul alineat, iar în cazul posturilor de radio și TV – se citează obligatoriu sursa.

Preluarea integrală a textelor se poate realiza doar în condiţiile unui acord prealabil semnat cu Centrul de Investigații Jurnalistice.

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