VIDEO // Restrictions at the inauguration of the luxury headquarter of the General Prosecutor’s Office. An activist who filmed for was taken to the streets

The General Prosecutor's Office limits access of the press and citizens to the inauguration of the new headquarters of the institution built on public money. Although all media were officially invited to attend the inauguration of the Prosecutor General's headquarters, prosecutors banned access of activist Anatol Mătăsaru, who was filming for the portal of the Center for Investigative Journalism, Matasaru was taken by carabineers to the street. Prosecutor General, Eduard Harunjen, argued that the name of the activist was not included in the "exhaustive list".

Activist Anatol Mătăsaru joined other cameramen at the entrance to the new headquarters of the General Prosecutor's Office, but he was summoned  by carabineers to leave the building. General Prosecutor Eduard Harunjen motivated his decision that Mătăsaru is not officially invited, suggesting him to watch the event on TV: "There are one million citizens in Moldova who will watch this (the event) on TV."

Igor Popa, deputy general prosecutor, admitted that he ordered that there should be no "foreign persons" in the area of the building.

"I was taken to the street and I was not allowed to stay nearby. A policeman said it was a zero zone and I will not have access until the officials leave. Interior Minister Alexandru Jizdan, warned me that he will show me who finances my activity", said Mătăsaru.

Attending the inauguration of the new headquarters of the General Prosecutor's Office were the President of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Victor Micu and the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Ion Druţă.

An investigation by Ziarul de Gardă reveals that the new headquarters of the General Prosecutor's Office was rebuilt by a company affiliated to Oleg Voronin for the amount of 22.8 million lei. The 3,398 square meter building will house the Prosecutor General's Office, the Superior Council of Prosecutors, the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases, and the central office of Chisinau Prosecutor's Office.

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