The current PAS deputy and former councilor from Balti, Boris Marcoci, has earned and continues to earn millions of lei from public money through Marsharcon, the construction company he founded. Although he has held the elected seat of the public since 2021, the company continues to conclude contracts with the state. An investigation by the Center for Journalistic Investigations uncovered the link between Boris Marcoci's political career and his company's income.
According to data provided by the Public Procurement Agency portal, the company founded and managed by the deputy for 21 years won contracts worth over 36 million lei over 10 years starting in 2011. The largest contract, worth 12.7 million lei, was obtained in May 2020 from Bălți City Hall for the "capital repair of the road in Conev Street."
If we follow the income of the construction company Marsharcon, its volume seems to be closely related to Boris Marcoci's position at certain stages. Since 2016, when he parted ways with PLDM, the company's earnings also began to drop precipitously. Both the deputy and the company faced significant challenges in 2017 and 2018. However, with joining the Bloc ACUM team in 2019, the income began to rise again.
Since Boris Marcoci took the seat in Parliament, the company Marsharcon has signed two contracts with public institutions. One in 2021 with the Town Hall of the Pelinia Municipality, and the second in 2022 with the President of the Glodeni District. Following the signing of the second contract, Marsharcon was selected to manage 6,423,419 lei.
Asked to comment on the situation, Boris Marcoci stated that Marsharcon is not the only company that wins contracts under such conditions. He also specified that his position as municipal councilor did not in any way influence the decision of the working groups to designate the winning company in the procurement contests.
On January 17th, the National Integrity Authority found no violation of the legal regime of conflicts of interest by Boris Marcoci.
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