Purchases with scandal in Bălți

Viorica Mija
Sursa: CIJM

An investigation by the Center for Investigative Journalism has uncovered procurement irregularities in the city of Balți. A procurement procedure for the rehabilitation of five sections of sidewalks in the city generated conflicts between economic agents who wanted to participate in the competition. One company, Tehnologica Construct SRL, challenged the correctness of the procedure after the municipality changed several conditions of participation, but their appeal was rejected. As a result, Vladmih Company SRL won all five sidewalk rehabilitation projects.

This September, the tenders for the repair of the sidewalks in the city of Bălți were closed. Vladmih Company SRL, which had also repaired the sidewalks on Decebal Street in 2020, won all four procedures. However, a new procedure was announced for one of the destinations, the one in Pushkin Street, due to some inadvertent errors in the submitted file.

To the submitted file, in addition to the new requested documents, the bidder also added a letter of thanks from the mayor of Bălți, Nicolai Grigorișin, an "asset" within the limits of the law. The mayor determines the composition of the working group for the selection of bidders in public procurement and has the obligation to monitor the correctness of its activity.

In just November, the National Agency for the Resolution of Appeals (ANSC) received 121 appeals, 13 of which were about the award documentation and 108 were about the results of the procurement procedure. In 67 cases, the subject of the appeals was procedures for purchasing work.

Viorica Mija

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