The Mayor of Trusheni Is Being Investigated in a Criminal Case for Passive and Active Corruption and Influence Peddling

Irina Odobescu

The mayor of Trusheni, Stela Munteanu, the chief architect, the former head of the municipal enterprise and an economic agent are being investigated in criminal cases for passive and active corruption and influence-peddling reports Anticoruptie.

The National Anticorruption Center’s officers and prosecutors have identified multiple cases of claiming financial means from economic agents and individuals in exchange for issuing permits to legalize real estate. The amounts demanded by the group of officials varied between 500 and 1,000 euros.

Cases have also been documented in which the suspects claimed land in exchange for the issuance of permissive documents. During the investigation, the attempt to abusively take over some properties that belonged to a 73-year-old resident of Trusheni also came to light.

Irina Odobescu

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