A new guide for journalists and officials: Access to information is a right, not a favor

Foto: media-azi.md

Center for Independent Journalism launched on Tuesday, November 17, in Chisinau, a practical guide to facilitate journalists' access to public information.

The guide "Access to information, without ‘barricades’" is written for journalists and communication officers dealing with state institutions. This guide includes several analyses and recommendations in order to optimize the legal framework concerning access to information, as well as practical advice on how to efficiently collaborate with the representatives of the two institutions – journalists and communicators. Similarly, the media guide offers advice on how to proceed when the information "costs" or when authorities’ answer is "No".

According to the authors of the guide, Sorina Stefarta and Irina Perciun , the issue of access to public information is crucial for Moldova. "When information comes at the expense of the institution concerned, the officials try to restrict the access of journalists to it. There are many and various reasons, the officials - including those responsible for communication within public institutions - make full use of gaps in the law on access to information", reports the guide. The guide provides recommendations for improving the legislation in this area, especially shortening the deadline for getting the information from authorities.

"The biggest challenge was to make employees understand the way newsrooms function and journalists how do public institutions work", said Sorina Stefarta.

The guide comes with practical advice for officials from journalists and for journalists from officials. Thus, the journalists ask communicators in public institutions to reply to their requests, to avoid technical language, to answer phone calls on public holidays, not to be treated as petitioners, to be given complete answers and to meet the legal terms.

On the other hand, officials request journalists to study well the theme before requesting information as well as be persistent and patient. The authors say they want the two sides to begin building a bridge of trust between them, to be primarily serving the citizen.

Finally, the paper contains a case study: Public Interest vs. protection of personal data, as well as several interviews with journalists and with government officials.

Access to public information in Moldova is guaranteed by Article 34 of the Constitution and is regulated by the Law on Access to Information, adopted in 2000: http://lex.justice.md/md/311759/

The guide was printed in 100 copies.  It was developed by the Center for Independent Journalism in Moldova with financial support of the Government of Sweden.


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