portal of the Center for Investigative Journalism is among the top three finalists in the Special Prize category offered by One World Media. Besides, in the competition has remained Nó from Guatemala and Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently from Syria.The winner will be announced in June.
One World Media is a non-profit organisation that supports international journalism and promotes media coverage of global issues. For nearly 30 years we have been working with partners in the UK and internationally to enable media that informs and connects the world’s people.
One of the most highly regarded media awards in the UK, the One World Media Awards has been running for over 25 years. Since its inception in 1988, the Awards has recognised the work of over 1000 journalists and filmmakers highlighting stories from around the world on a range of issues.
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Preluarea integrală a textelor se poate realiza doar în condiţiile unui acord prealabil semnat cu Centrul de Investigații Jurnalistice.