Commentary of US State Department spokesman Ned Price: "Russia has a long history of malign influence in Moldova"
Purtătorul de cuvânt al Departamentului de Stat al SUA, Ned Price

The spokesperson for the US State Department, Ned Price, has responded to recent statements made by the leadership of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine regarding a potential Russian plan to destabilize the situation in Moldova

Here is the comment from the American official:

"We’re deeply concerned by reports of a plot by Russia to destabilize Moldova’s democratically elected government. Russia has a long history of malign influence both in Moldova and the region, and as such we’ve worked closely with Moldova to build its political resilience and to counter long-term efforts by Russia to undermine Moldova’s democratic institutions. We firmly support Moldova’s sovereignty and its territorial integrity. Russia’s recent violations of Moldovan airspace to launch missile attacks on Ukraine are an unacceptable risk, and they demonstrate blatant disrespect for Moldova’s sovereign territory.

That said, at this time we continue to see no direct military threat to Moldova. We’ve been in close contact with our Moldovan partners during this critical time. We strongly support the leadership of Moldovan President Maia Sandu, and we look forward to continuing our cooperation with the new prime minister and cabinet once that government is formed. We remain firmly committed to assisting Moldova as it pursues the political, economic, and anti‑corruption reforms needed to build on the European future it seeks."

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