The system of electronic voting and of registration of meetings, installed in the renovated building of the Parliament, remains further object of decor at the plenary meetings of the legislators. After removing from the treasury almost 13 million lei for equipment, the authorities search for other 45.000 Euro for a software application.
The equipment was installed in the plenum of the Parliament in 2013, and at that moment was installed a classical software application, provided by the producer. The MPs moved to the renovated headquarters of the Parliament in 2014. After almost one hour of trying to learn to use the new equipment, the deputies renounced to it and continued to vote raising their hands.
The application should correspond to the Rules of the use of electronic devices at the plenary meetings of the Parliament of Moldova and of functional requirements of the system of management of the plenary meetings, approved by the Standing Bureau of the Parliament in 2014.
For the customization of the software application, the authorities are going to contract a specialized company, and the adjustment of the electronic voting system would cost about 45.000 Euro. The authorities have not indicated a financial source yet.
The source specified that the equipment, produced by Bosch from the Netherlands, was bought and installed by the company which deals with the renovation of the Parliament building. The installation of the electronic voting system cost 12.742.548 lei.
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