Equality Council urges Socialist MP Oleg Savva to apologize publicly to the investigative journalist whom he verbally attacked


The Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality found that the socialist MP Oleg Savva incited to discrimination in terms of gender, professional and national status when he verbally attacked the journalist of the Center of Investigative Journalism, Mariana Colun on a social network. According to the Council's decision, Savva must publicly apologize for discriminatory allegations through the social network where discriminatory statements were posted.

The Terminology Center replied, at the request of the Centre of Investigative Journalism and of the journalist Mariana Colun, that the expressions used by Oleg Savva against the investigative journalist "aimed to humiliate her and to show her in a bad light. Therefore, these injurious expressions addressed to a person in public damage her dignity and honour."

We remind that the Ombudsman and the Legal Parliamentary Committee for appointments and immunities refused to investigate the case when socialist MP Oleg Savva assaulted a reporter of the Centre for Investigative Journalism. Ombudsman Mihai Cotorobai sent the journalist's complaint and the notification of the Center for Investigative Journalism to the Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination, and the Parliamentary Committee though admits that "the MP is legally obliged to strictly observe the Constitution, laws and ethical and moral norms " replied that "it is impossible to examine and solve such cases".

The Center of Investigative Journalism and the reporter Mariana Colun filed complaints and notifications with several institutions requesting the authorities to investigate the case and the behaviour of the Socialist MP. The General Police Inspectorate, the General Prosecutor's Office, have been notified, and they have not reacted so far to this case.

We remind that the MP Oleg Savva appeared to be unhappy with an article targeting him, naming the reporter "liar", "raff," and "illiterate girl." Savva also threatened the journalist with a trial and a physical harassment. "We can also attack! You should know that we will retaliate to any "attack" against the Socialists", the MP wrote on his Facebook page.

"Still you cannot calm down... I have already sent a prior request. ... give up, anyway, no one will vote for your moral monsters. Read the article ... written by an illiterate girl. And not a single legislative initiative has been withdrawn by me. Liar!!!!! And you write that these initiatives also target the combatants in the transnistrian region. Explain to these veterans what you have against them", wrote Oleg Savva."You raff, lousy journalists", writes the socialist MP about Mariana Colun and the journalist Vasile Nastase, host of the "60 minutes" show on Jurnal TV.

The Socialist went ahead, by threatening the journalist with physical aggression. "We can also attack! You should know that we will retaliate to any "attack" against the Socialists", commented the MP." You will speak Romanian in your homeland, Romania", wrote Oleg Savva.


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