Ex-president Igor Dodon remains without a judge, as resignations at the Supreme Court of Justice have been occurring in succession

Sediul CSJ

On Tuesday, the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) accepted the resignation requests of 12 judges from the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), leaving the court without half of its judges.

The judges are Ala Cobăneanu, Liliana Catan, Iurie Diaconu, Galina Stratulat, Svetlana Filincova, Iurie Bejenaru, Victor Burduh, Victor Boicu, Ghenadie Plămădeala, Nadejda Toma, Elena Cobzac, and Maria Ghervas.

Ghenadie Plămădeala, a member of the court panel examining the file in which ex-president Igor Dodon is accused of passive corruption and illegal financing of a political party, is among the judges leaving the system.

The reasons for the resignations from the CSJ were not made public. Additionally, the CSM granted the resignation requests of three magistrates from the Chisinau Court of Appeal: Maria Buzu, Liuba Pruteanu, and Maria Guzun.


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