Greek journalists, detained at Chisinau International Airport
Foto: CIJM

Two Greek investigative journalists, Aggelos Provolisianos and Triantis Vangelis, were detained on Wednesday evening by Border Police at Chisinau International Airport. They were interrogated and then the police announced to the journalists that they were not allowed to enter our country because they did not have accreditation to carry out journalistic activities. They were released only after the intervention of the Ambassador of Greece to Moldova with headquarters in Kiev.

The journalists said that during the passport check at the airport they were asked about the purpose of their arrival in the Republic of Moldova. “We replied that we are journalists and we came with a professional purpose. We were told that we did not have permission to enter the Republic of Moldova that we need accreditation for carrying out journalistic activities. Then, we were invited to the office where we were detained for 30-40 minutes,” journalists told for

It was not until they contacted the Honorary Consul of the Consulate of Greece in Chisinau Gheorghe Duca, but also after they informed the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the incident, that Greek journalists were allowed to enter Moldova. "The policemen did not apologize. They told us that this time we are lucky enough to be allowed us to enter the country, but we will need accreditation next time", said Vangelis and Provolisianos.

Representatives of the Border Police at Chisinau Airport told that this was a routine check, during which the citizens of Greece were asked to answer a few questions.

Aggelos Provolisianos, one of two Greek journalists, is a guest of the Investigative Journalists Club, who on Thursday, March 14, will discuss the topic “The Case of the Biggest Network of Pedophiles: Justice in Moldova against Justice in Greece”.

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