Impact of an investigation by the ANI takes note of the official from UTA Gagauzia, a relative of the general prosecutor

Mariana Colun

The National Integrity Authority (ANI) takes note after an investigation of the portal revealed that the deputy director of the Youth and Sports Directorate of UTA Gagauzia, Serghei Stoianoglo, recently elected member of the Autonomous Electoral Commission, did not declare his business and the potential revenues.

The president of the National Integrity Authority Rodica Antoci signed an ex officio notification against the official. "The notification was sent to the Inspectorate, which within a period of 15 days must analyze the information in the media and if it confirms the reasonable suspicion, it starts the control", said Maria Dastic for the portal.

The portal wrote that Serghei Stoianoglo reported in the 2019 Statement on Property and Personal Interests only the annual salary of a civil servant, which amounts to 172,262 lei and a house offered for free accommodation. In the State Register of Enterprises, the name of Serghei Stoianoglo appears as the founder and manager of four enterprises, with the legal address on Treteacov Str. no. 60 in Comrat town.

The official is the only founder and manager of SRL Continent, established in 1992. The company has several types of activity including the production of ethyl alcohol and wine. In October 2000, Serghei Stoianoglo became the co-founder, with 50% share of SRL Liclament, specialized in the production of ice cream. Serghei Stoianoglo has always been the manager of the company. Also, in 2000, Serghei Stoianoglo became the majority shareholder and director of SA Burlacu-Vin, which owns the wine factory in Burlacu village, Cahul district.

In 2002, SRL Liclament and SA Burlacu-Vin founded the limited liability company Burlacu-Petrol, whose manager is also Serghei Stoianoglo. The company specializes in wine making and food marketing. In the Statement on Assets and Personal Interests for 2017, Stoianoglo declared the companies Continent and Liclament and a Lexus car, estimated at 50 thousand lei, which are no longer found in subsequent statements and he did not report on their alienation.

Mariana Colun

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