Moldovan Parliament fails to hold meeting for lack of quorum. Ion Sturza: “Turbulent times ahead in the Republic of Moldova"
Ion Sturza // Foto: CIJM

A special parliament meeting, during which the candidate nominated for the office of Prime Minister, Ion Sturza, was to unveil his team and the government's action programme, has failed for the lack of quorum, as only 47 MPs were present in the session hall.  

"I thought there will be a quorum and the MPs will be responsible and will interrupt their holidays in behalf of national interest. I wanted to present my report to Parliament and I wanted to address some inconvenient questions the political class. I do not think that anyone anticipated what I was going to say, but they suspected that they will be placed in a predicament. Some people have translated my message in the Parliament as a message to the nation. However, today's exercise is important. From now on, all of them will consider people’s opinion and will not ignore them. Turbulent times ahead in the Republic of Moldova. There will be a period when they will try to identify a majority and a candidate for premiership. I anticipate a media massacre", said Ion Sturza after the sitting of Parliament. He suggested that the absence of MPs was orchestrated by PD.

The Cabinet of Ministers headed by Ion Sturza needed at least 51 votes to be invested. So far, only the Liberal Democrats said that they would give a vote of confidence. On Monday morning, independent MPs in the group headed by Iurie Leanca said that they would support the candidature of Sturza.

Before the special session of Parliament, Mihai Ghimpu, chairman of PL said that PL will not support the team of Prime Minister-designate”. We held the sitting of the Political Bureau and based on secret vote, we decided not to vote with Sturza. It is not about a technocrat government, as promised Ion Sturza, but a political one. There were members of PLDM and two vice-chairmen of Platform Dignity and Truth", said Mihai Ghimpu.

Marian Lupu, chairman of the Democratic Party said that this result was predictable. "What we saw today and these two weeks has not been an attempt by a candidate to become prime minister, but a possibility for initiating a new political project," said Marian Lupu.

Ion Sturza was designated to form a new governmental team on December 21. On Sunday, January 3, the members of this team signed the integrity statements.

The president of the country Nicolae Timofti  will designate a new candidate. This time, the president should start consultations with all parliamentary factions, including with groups of non-affiliated MPs.

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