Strong Message of Support for Ukraine by the US: Joseph Biden Visits Kyiv.

US President Joe Biden visited Kyiv on Monday under maximum security conditions, with the visit not being announced ahead of time and the agenda kept private.

During an air alert, Biden was seen near St. Michael's Cathedral in Kyiv, where he came to pay his respects to the fallen defenders of Ukraine.

The fact that the US president was in Kyiv was officially confirmed only by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Telegram, who posted a photo of Biden and welcomed him to the city:"Joseph Biden, welcome to Kyiv! Your visit is an extremely important sign of support for all Ukrainians.”

On the morning of February 20, roads around the US embassy in the city center, as well as the routes from the embassy to the central train station, were blocked in Kyiv. Novosti Donbass reported that Beresteisky Boulevard and Lesia Ukrainka Boulevard were also blocked, citing eyewitnesses. Some eyewitnesses shared videos of a convoy of American SUVs traveling along this route.

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