The balance sheet of Sunday

The police drew up 36 reports for violations of public order during the anti-government protest organized on Sunday by the Șor Party and its allies.

According to a press release from the General Police Inspectorate (IGP), law enforcement officers managed to prevent the previously planned scenario and the intentions of the organizers. However, there were cases of violations of the law, especially in terms of public order and the transportation of participants to the event.

"Citizens were brought in vehicles that did not meet technical standards, resulting in incidents where some vehicles caught fire or were involved in accidents while transporting participants to the meeting. In this sense, following checks by the inspectors of the National Car Transport Agency (ANTA) together with the Police, 91 irregularities were found in the process of transporting passengers," the statement reads.

The police also note that the organizers of the protest did not respect the prior declaration regarding the location of the meeting, changing their location to the square of the National Theater of Opera and Ballet "Maria Biesu."

At the same time, law enforcement officers intervened to clear a traffic lane for special vehicles with priority traffic access. Ambulances were called several times, but the doctors could not reach the applicants due to the blocked road.

The protest was not without incident. Law enforcement officers detained six young protesters, one of whom had a knife.

According to IGP estimates, 3,600 people participated in Sunday's protest.

The Șor Party claims that there were at least 40,000 protesters.

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