The designated Prime Minister presented the new government team

Tatiana Gherţa
Dorin Recean

The Prime Minister appointed by Maia Sandu announced on Wednesday evening the composition of the new Cabinet of Ministers, which will be presented to the Parliament on Thursday. Most of the ministers were also part of the Gavrilița Government. However, there are changes in only four ministries, with two new ministers and two former secretaries of state.

Veronica Sirețeanu is proposed for the position of Minister of Finance, while the Secretary of State, Veronica Mihailov-Moraru, is proposed for the position of Minister of Justice. For the position of Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Lilia Dabija has been proposed, who was previously a Secretary of State.

One new development is the creation of a new ministry, the Ministry of Energy, which will be led by the former head of the National Agency for Energy Regulation, Victor Parlicov.

Dorin Recean stated, "Together with this team, I will go to the Parliament tomorrow to present the government program and ask for a vote of support."

The new composition of the government does not include a deputy prime minister for digitization. Instead, the position has been absorbed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization, which is led by Deputy Prime Minister Dumitru Alaiba.


To clarify, the designated Prime Minister, Dorin Recean, will present the team and the government program to the Parliament on Thursday. He was appointed to the position of Prime Minister immediately after the announcement of Natalia Gavrilița's resignation.


Tatiana Gherţa

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