The European Union is intensifying its fight against Russian and Chinese disinformation and propaganda.
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Josep Borrell, the head of EU foreign policy, announced the launch of a new platform, the Information Sharing and Analysis Center, to counter the disinformation campaigns of the two countries, writes the Politico portal.

The center, within the EU's foreign policy services, will monitor cases of information manipulation by foreign actors and coordinate the actions of the 27 EU countries and non-governmental organizations to combat disinformation and propaganda.

The center will be designed as a decentralized platform for real-time intelligence sharing, allowing for better understanding of threats and faster action to address issues. Borrell also warned of a new wave of disinformation spreading through fake images, videos, and websites posing as media.

The EU disinformation watchdog, Stratcom, noted in its first report that much of the foreign intelligence manipulation in 2022 focused on narratives supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and disinformation campaigns were particularly active in diplomatic channels of Russia and China.

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