The President of the Constitutional Court Domnica Manole Accused of Conflict of Interest

Julieta Saviţchi

The National Integrity Authority found a conflict of interest in the actions of the President of the Constitutional Court, Domnica Manole. According to NIA, Domnica Manole participated in the assessment of the constitutionality of the parliamentary decision on the appointment of a judge of the Constitutional Court, which directly concerned herself. At the same time, Domnica Manole, according to NIA, did not notify of a conflict of interest and did not step back from considering this issue.

The President of the Constiutional Court had the right to express her views. However, at the request of the inspector, the documents necessary for the control were not presented, moreover, the withdrawal of the request issued by the inspector was requested.

Domnica Manole claims that the integrity inspector ignored and violated the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova when he performed control over a judgment of the High Court. She stated that she will challenge the act of finding and will take all necessary actions to bring to justice the integrity inspector.

Julieta Saviţchi

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