US Ambassador to Chisinau: "We look forward to continuing to promote further integration with Europe and address current challenges"

Crina Dumitriu

The US Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Kent D. Logsdon, sent a congratulatory message to the new Prime Minister, who obtained the Parliament's vote of confidence on Thursday. He expressed his hope that the new government will continue reforms and integration into the European Union. This is the first reaction from an accredited embassy in Chisinau regarding the appointment of the new Government.

"Congratulations to new Prime Minister Dorin Recean and his cabinet following today’s vote of confidence by Moldova’s Parliament. We look forward to continuing to work with the Government and the people of Moldova to promote further integration with Europe and address current challenges while building a democratic, prosperous, and secure future", the ambassador mentioned in a statement made public.

The diplomat thanked former Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița "for her leadership and strong commitment to building Moldova’s democracy and for all she has done to build partnership and friendship between Moldova with the United States".

Crina Dumitriu

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