DOC // Air Moldova's turmoil: Former director appeals dismissal amidst allegations

Viorica Mija
Iulian Scorpan, fost director Air Moldova

The Chisinau Court of Appeal has granted the former director of Air Moldova, Iulian Scorpan, ten days to adequately justify his appeal. Iulian Scorpan contested the decision of the trial court that rejected his request, in which he sought the annulment of the dismissal order from September 2019, reinstatement, and damages of 400 thousand lei. revealed that the privatization of Air Moldova was carried out through a scheme involving artificial debts, a flawed competition procedure, and several dubious financial transactions.

Iulian Scorpan is implicated in a case initiated for the abuse of power in the exercise of functional obligations. The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office concluded the criminal investigation in December 2021 and forwarded the criminal case to the Chisinau Court, Buiucani headquarters, which was assigned to Judge Ana Cucerescu. The accusers allege damages exceeding one million lei. The accused, who plead not guilty, are accused of abusing the powers granted to ensure the audit of financial reports, contrary to legal provisions, with the aim of concealing the financial situation of the companies.

As a result, the activities of the audit companies tasked with performing the annual verification were jeopardized, as they did not receive the necessary information on time and in full. This lack of clarity persisted regarding the financial situation of the company during the years 2014-2016.

"In repeated circumstances, due to the unjustified settlement of sums of money for the audit, in the absence of the auditor's opinion on the financial statements of ÎS CA Air Moldova, the state enterprise incurred material damage in the total amount of 1,044,325.15 lei, including VAT," stated the announcement from the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office.

In October 2018, the state company Air Moldova was privatized and acquired for 1.2 billion lei by the company Civil Aviation Group SRL, registered only a month before by a group of investors. Associates of the Civil Aviation Group SRL company are also two natural persons, citizens of the Republic of Moldova, each owning 25.5% of the shares: Andrei Ianovici and Serghei Melnik.

Viorica Mija

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