Former Socialist deputy Ghenadie Mitriuc has taken the National Integrity Authority (ANI) to court, alleging that inspectors have identified inconsistencies between revenues and expenditures amounting to almost 300 thousand lei. Mitriuc submitted his appeal to the Chisinau Court of Appeal, which was assigned on August 29th and is set to be reviewed by the magistrates. revealed that during the November 2016 presidential election campaign, Mitriuc transferred over 70 thousand lei to the electoral account of his Party of Socialists (PSRM) competitor, Igor Dodon. Additionally, CIJM journalists reported that Mitriuc possessed eight plots of land in Ungheni, all acquired during his two terms as a city councilor, along with six buildings including an apartment, a house, a commercial space, a garage, and a vacation home on the Black Sea shores in the Belgorod-Dnistrovsk district of the Odesa region, with a declared cadastral value of 250,001 lei.
In early June, the National Integrity Authority (ANI) issued a finding against the former socialist deputy, Ghenadie Mitriuc. ANI, based on a notification, discovered a significant disparity between the income and expenses during Mitriuc's tenure as a deputy in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova for the Socialist Party. In 2017, Mitriuc reportedly acquired assets that exceeded 20 average salaries in the economy, resulting in a difference of over 286 thousand lei.
The author of the referral also mentioned donations made by Mitiruc to the PSRM account starting in 2014, as reported in the press. In an article published by, it was noted that during the November 2016 presidential election campaign, Mitriuc donated 73,350 lei to Igor Dodon's campaign. Furthermore, the deputy contributed 52,000 lei to the PSRM's accounts for the referendum aimed at dismissing Chisinau Mayor Dorin Chirtoacă, and 26,600 lei for the local elections for Chisinau City Hall in support of PSRM candidate Ion Ceban.
Despite being asked to provide supporting information regarding the alleged significant difference between acquired assets and earned income by the integrity inspector, Mitriuc did not respond to the invitation. Consequently, ANI ordered the court-mediated collection of the value of unjustified assets for the benefit of the state or their confiscation.
In his most recent annual declaration for the fiscal year 2022, Ghenadi Mitriuc stated that his income comprised a substantial salary from the Ungheni District Council, totaling over 233 thousand lei. He also earned interest from two commercial banks and received 129 thousand lei from renting out a vehicle. The former deputy disclosed ownership of eight plots of land, three apartments (one inherited), and a house. Additionally, Mitriuc declared ownership of five cars, a truck, and a trailer. He is also involved in managing the operations of two companies situated in the municipality of Ungheni.
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