The Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) has approved the request to transfer the trial of the Ala Popa case from Chisinau Court, Ciocana, to the Străseni court. In the fall of 2021, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office initiated a criminal case for illicit enrichment against Igor Popa, the former deputy general prosecutor, following investigations conducted by the Center for Investigative Journalism of Moldova (CIJM). In July 2020, the Anticorupț portal published an investigation titled "VIDEO // The Fictitious Divorce and the Hidden Wealth of Prosecutor Igor Popa", revealing how Igor Popa resorted to a fictitious divorce to avoid declaring properties that he could not justify with his prosecutor's salary. Ala Popa began harassing the CIJM team of journalists as soon as it became known that the properties had been documented in the Cadastre. For more details, you can read the article "CASE STUDY: How a Prosecutor's Wife Tried to Silence Journalists". After the publication of the article, Ala Popa sent a preliminary legal action request to the Center for Journalistic Investigations.
Ala Popa submitted a request to the CSJ, seeking the transfer of the trial regarding the documents issued by the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office from Chisinau Court, Ciocana headquarters, to another court of equal standing. The reason cited is that in the criminal case, in which Igor Popa is also implicated, he is accused of complicity, and several complaints have been filed in this regard. Additionally, Ala Popa asserts that "Igor Popa, while serving as a prosecutor in the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Moldova, including in managerial positions, had interactions with the judicial body of the Chisinau Court, Ciocana headquarters, as part of his official duties, which could potentially create a conflict of interest and hinder a fair and impartial resolution of the case by the involved court."
To eliminate any circumstances that might reasonably cast doubt on the impartiality of the judges when considering the filed complaint and to prevent the need for judges to recuse themselves, a situation that could impede the efficient examination of the complaint, the judicial panel of the SCJ has decided to transfer the trial of the case from Chisinau Court to the Străseni court
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