Two ANRE directors under CNI investigation following articles published by Centre for Investigative Journalism

Members of the National Integrity Commission (CNI) will investigate the case of the two directors of the National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE), Octavian Lungu and Ghenadie Partu after the portal Anticorruption of the Center for Investigative Journalism published Thursday 11 November, an investigation in collaboration with Ziarul de Garda.

During the investigation, reporters showed that Octavian Lungu lives in a luxurious house, registered in the town Codru. His house is actually in Chisinau. Also, couple Lungu owns two plots of land for construction, two cars "Mazda" and over 800 thousand lei in bank accounts.

Ghenadie Partu, another director of ANRE declared only his income from ANRE. Other incomes like several bank accounts and shares in some economic entities were not made public.

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