A Russian missile fell on the territory of the Republic of Moldova


A Russian missile, shot down by the Ukrainian air defenses, fell on Monday morning in the village of Naslavcea in the Ocniţa district, located on the border with Ukraine. The Chisinau authorities announced that there were no victims, but the windows of several homes in Naslavcea were destroyed.


The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Moldova announces in a press release that the Ukrainian authorities informed that this morning there was a drone attack on the Dnestrovsk 1 dam, on the territory of Ukraine, which is at a distance of 10 km from the Naslavcea dam. The Russian attack did not affect the dam, but the energy infrastructure related to Ukraine is damaged, and it was targeting the electrical transformers.

The Ministry of the Interior also communicates that, according to the Ukrainian authorities, there is no danger of flooding.

Currently, MIA forces have surrounded the area where the missile had fallen, to avoid possible dangers, and the fact-finding group is at the site.


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