ANI acts following a CIJM investigation which screens the property of all prosecutors 

Irina Odobescu
Colaj: CIJM

The National Integrity Authority (ANI) acts after an investigation carried out by the Center for Investigative Journalism which screened the property of all prosecutors. The investigation of the "poor" prosecutors with apartments, houses and tens of thousands of euros donated by parents and relatives reveals that about 170 state prosecutors out of the nearly 700 reported generous gifts last year.

"We carefully analyzed the information published in the investigation and this afternoon an ex officio notification was signed. According to the procedures, the notification will be distributed to the ANI’s Integrity Inspectorate and within 15 days, the integrity inspectors will examine the information. If reasonable suspicions arise on certain cases or names, controls will be started. ANI will come up with details ", Maria Dastic press officer from ANI told

Experts point out that although donations are not illegal, it is the officials who benefit fully and frequently from them. Those close to the prosecutors are generous on or without any occasion.

According to Lilia Ionita, expert at the Center for the Analysis and Prevention of Corruption, ANI's efforts to identify prosecutors whose property exceeds their revenues, are insufficient.

Irina Odobescu

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