Important award at the SEEMO Forum: Journalist Cornelia Cozonac receives special mention for the investigation ECOCIDE in Ukraine


During the 18th edition of the South East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO) Forum, held on November 27-28 in Podgorica, Montenegro, Cornelia Cozonac, president of the Center for Investigative Journalism (CIJM), received a special mention. The recognition was awarded for the impactful investigation ECOCIDE in Ukraine - 3: Time bomb for Moldova. The investigation highlights the dramatic environmental consequences of the war in Ukraine and was carried out in partnership with Ukrainian journalists.

The competition topics focused on the environment, agriculture, food security, health, transparency, and good governance. Among the awarded journalists were Adrian Mogoș (Romania), Dino Cviko (Bosnia-Herzegovina), and Giorgio Michalopoulos (Italy). Cornelia Cozonac, along with other special mention recipients, stood out for her contribution to investigative journalism.

Cozonac emphasized that these critical issues should remain a priority for investigative journalists. The awards ceremony was organized by SEEMO and the Central European Initiative (CEI), promoting quality investigative journalism, press freedom, and the security of journalists working under challenging conditions.

"At the Southeast Europe Media Forum organized by SEEMO, we had engaging discussions on media challenges, including investigative journalism, hybrid warfare, the influence of social media, and more. In a dedicated session I attended, we explored environmental investigative journalism: how to make it more appealing to the media, how to bring environmental issues to policymakers' agendas, and how to enhance citizens' responsibility and critical thinking. The SEEMO Forum, centered on the theme 'Media and Elections – Professional and Political Challenges', brought together journalists from Southeast and Eastern Europe. The event was supported by CEI, EBU, DPA News Agency, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and the International Media Center Institute," Cozonac said.

In a correspondence from the event, reported that the forum emphasized disinformation, particularly during election campaigns. During the panel discussion "Between Control and Freedom: The Role of Media in Elections under Different Political Systems", Alexandru Giboi, Secretary General of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA), highlighted disinformation patterns common to Romania and Moldova's election campaigns.

Both female candidates were subjected to derogatory labels such as “hysterical,” “alcoholic,” or having “dysfunctional family lives.” Orest Dabija, a member of the Audiovisual Council in Chișinău, stressed the role of disinformation in Moldova’s presidential election campaigns across traditional and online media. Barcin Yinac, a journalist at T24 Istanbul, discussed Turkey's voting traditions and the crucial role of volunteers.

In the second panel, "Media Strategy in the Era of Disinformation: The Role of Public Communication", Daniel Höltgen, Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, shared examples of fake news affecting the Council's activities, including communication about Ukraine. Zrinka Vrabec-Mojzes, an editor at Croatian National Radio, discussed pro-Russian influencers occupying key administrative positions in Croatia and their impact on media. The panel underscored the critical need for fact-checking journalists, currently insufficient compared to the magnitude of disinformation.

The afternoon workshop, "Are Media-Highlighted Environmental Challenges Relevant in Elections?", featured Adrian Mogoș, an investigative journalist from Romania, who noted that Romanian politicians seldom address environmental issues, citing the notable Roșia Montană case. He added that Romania faced infringement proceedings due to its inaction. Cornelia Cozonac spoke about the rise in acid rain in Moldova over the past two years, the risks posed by the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, and Moldova's lack of radiation detection tools. She also highlighted the country's inability to neutralize drones accidentally entering from Russia amidst the Russo-Ukrainian war. On a different note, Moldova has become a refuge for displaced wildlife from Ukraine, including swans and wolves, as reported by experts, although authorities have not acknowledged this reality.

The 18th SEEMO Forum, themed “Media and Elections – Professional and Political Challenges”, took place from November 27-28, 2024, at the Hotel Voco in Montenegro’s capital. The event brought together journalists from Southeast and Eastern Europe and was supported by CEI, EBU, DPA News Agency, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and the International Media Center Institute.


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