Maximum vigilance ahead of Sunday"s protest: dozens of foreign nationals made their way back from the border

Viorica Mija
Sursa: Poliția de Frontieră

The Border Police has announced that dozens of people have been refused entry to the Republic of Moldova. These measures come in the context in which the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, urged state institutions to act with maximum vigilance due to external attempts to destabilize the situation in the country, including through individuals from outside the country.

In the last 24 hours, the entry ban was applied to 57 people. However, the authorities have not specified the reasons for their refusal.

Additionally, three illegal border crossings were reported, nine people who violated the crossing point and border zone regulations were detected, and four individuals for whom a national search warrant was issued ..

Deputy Marina Tauber, who is the subject of two criminal cases based on allegations of "knowingly accepting financing for the party from an organized criminal group" and "falsifying the report on the financial management of the formation," has announced that the newly created "Movement for the People" - which includes the parties Șor and PACE, whose leaders are currently evading justice abroad - will organize a rally in Chisinau on February 19.

These protests are part of a series of actions aimed at destabilizing the situation in the Republic of Moldova, according to President Maia Sandu, who believes that they are, in fact, violent actions planned by the Kremlin to bring about a change in power in Chisinau.

Viorica Mija

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