Speaker Igor Grosu said a number of missiles and drones were spotted this morning along the Moldovan border with Ukraine.
“My understanding is that one was shot down in the south. Sadly, several others continued their flight. It happened this morning just as we were gathered here, and this is horrible”, said Grosu during an event.
“For those who don’t realize this, who think it’s like a movie and it happens on another continent very far away, and that it has nothing to do with us, I advise them to wake up and be honest with themselves”, said Igor Grosu.
Meanwhile, Ala Diaconu, spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense, told IPN that the authorities in charge of surveilling Moldovan airspace haven’t detected any violation in the last 24 hours.
Previously, the President of the Parliament declared that Moldova "is prepared for all scenarios" related to the war in Ukraine. "Several scenarios are taken into account and we are in constant dialogue with our partners, with our neighbors," said Igor Grosu in a televised show.
We remind you that in the morning of October 10, three Russian missiles flew over the airspace of the Republic of Moldova. The announcement was made by the Ministry of Defense from Chisinau. The leadership of the Republic of Moldova condemned the actions of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Chisinau submitted a note of protest to Moscow through the Russian ambassador, who was summoned to the ministry.
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