Reaction to the CIJM investigation into Vasile Botnari

Cornelia Cozonac
Colaj CIJM

Deputy of the Action and Solidarity Party Lilian Carp requested the National Integrity Authority (ANI) to check the property of the former director of the Intelligence and Security Service (SIS), Vasile Botnari, after the Center of Investigative Journalism published the investigation titled "VIDEO // How the former director of SIS, who expelled the Turkish teachers, arranged his life ".

"It was discovered that the former director of SIS, Vasile Botnari, lives with his family in a huge household, on an area of ​​15 acres, which includes three addresses on a single street. There are three buildings on this territory connected by a tunnel, of considerable value, and the property is not reported in the statements on property, although Mr. Botnari held public office at the time of their acquisition and was required to declare any income", reads the deputy’s request sent to ANI.

Cornelia Cozonac

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