The Minister of the Interior, Ana Revenco, was attacked again by hackers. After Telegram, her Facebook account was also hacked


A week after the Telegram channel of the Minister of the Interior, Ana Revenco, was allegedly hacked, the personal account of the function on Facebook was also broken into. On behalf of Ana Revenco, a critical message was posted to the government in which the new Minister of Economy, Dumitru Alaiba, is criticized.

"Laws in Moldova protect not the interests of the people, but of businessmen close to the government and Western supervisors. Deputies do not bother to draft laws, they receive ready-made texts of normative acts. All they are asked is to vote correctly and quickly. Find out what the deputy of the parliamentary majority, also president of the Parliamentary Commission for Economy, Budget and Finance, recently appointed Minister of the Economy, Dumitru Alaiba, is hiding", writes in the message posted on behalf of Ana Revenco.

The minister came shortly with a reaction from another Facebook profile, in which she states that the message does not belong to her and she cannot delete it.

"Hybrid warfare is becoming more active. My personal Facebook profile was hacked today. I currently have no control over the profile and all posts appearing there must be treated as fake. I urge all citizens to be careful and to inform themselves only from official sources", wrote Ana Revenco.


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