The New Director of the National Anticorruption Center Appointed

Ilie Gulca
Iulian Rusu. Foto:

Iulian Rusu, the current Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice, is the new director of the National Anticorruption Center. He was appointed director of the NAC with the vote of the majority of elected MPs, for a term of 5 years, without the possibility of appointment for another consecutive term.

In his speech to the NAC, the new director mentioned that the institution must prove "that it is worth the resources invested by the state in maintaining it". "I am sure that the National Anticorruption Center has potential, and this potential needs to be developed. We are going to focus on fighting big corruption and ending the cases of lack of integrity from the inside. Big battles await us, and professionalism and integrity must be put at the top of the table", said Iulian Rusu.

Ilie Gulca

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