The reporters of the Center for Investigative Journalism from Moldova awarded by the Association of Environmental Journalists and Ecological Tourism from Moldova

The reporters from the Center for Investigative Journalism from Moldova were awarded on February 12th by the Association of Environmental Journalists and Ecological Tourism in Moldova (AJMTEM) during the 6th edition of Gala of Prizes for Environmental Journalism.

The Association of Environmental and Ecological Tourism Journalists in Moldova awarded first and second places to the journalists from the Center for Investigative Journalism from Moldova in the "Cross-border Investigations" category.

Journalist Ilie Gulca was awarded First Place for the "MGRES Prisoners" investigation, conducted by the TV8 newsroom in collaboration with the Zelionii List newsroom from Ukraine.

The investigation reveals significant environmental problems caused by the activities of the Moldovan Thermal Power Plant (MGRES) - including floods, excessive air and water pollution, and soil poisoning in several Ukrainian villages, which resulted in a surge of cancer cases a few years ago.

Cornelia Cozonac was awarded Second Place for the investigation "ECOCID: European Animals and Birds, Targets of Russian War Criminals" and "Putin's War Against Nature in Ukraine: Ecological Time Bomb for Europe", conducted in collaboration with journalists from the Investigative Bureau in Lviv, Ukraine, with support from Journalismfund Europe.

The investigation reports on the ecocide generated by Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, which has repercussions on neighboring states, especially on Moldova and Romania.

The journalists demonstrated that Putin's plans do not stop at the destruction of infrastructure and strategic industrial points in Ukraine but deliberately target everything related to the environment: soil, water, ecosystems.

Environmentalists say that the war on the environment is a time bomb - the soil infected with chemical particles will bleed for many years to come and produce disastrous effects, and the dangerous substances will eventually reach far beyond the borders of Ukraine.

The awarding ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, the chief counselor of the Development Cooperation section of the Swedish Embassy, Karin Borovic, the Minister of the Environment, Iordanca-Rodica Iordanov, and the Minister of Energy, Victor Parlicov.

The Gala of the Awards for Environmental Journalism has been supported by the Swedish Embassy since its first edition, and over the last three years, it has also supported the institutional development of the Association of Environmental Journalists.

The competition, aimed at stimulating excellence in environmental journalism and promoting a professional, consistent, and comprehensive approach to ecological issues, is becoming increasingly popular. Participating journalists demonstrate a special sensitivity to the problems and challenges faced by the environment.

In the written press category:

First place - Vasile Ursachi/Ziarul de Gardă - "We Live in Fear": How does industrial activity affect the health of the residents of the village of Mateuți, Rezina.

Second place - Marina Gorbatovschi/Ziarul de Gardă - "Two Pairs of Hands and a Dog Fight for the Survival of Lake Manta": "If they don't clean it, it's over. It's an ecological catastrophe."

Third place - Victoria Borodin/Ziarul de Gardă - "Masters of Oil Extracted in the Republic of Moldova: Intermediaries from the K1 World Enter the Hydrocarbon Business."

Mention - Svetlana Cernov/Est-Curier - Criuleni - "Solar Panels: The Solution with Many Challenges on the Way to Energy Independence."


First place - Constantin Niculae/TV8 - "We Are Reforesting the Country, but  With What?": Status of Permanent Nurseries: Of the 31, Only One Has Modern Irrigation."

Second place - Vlada Tomescu/ - "Chisinau Is Drowning in Waste."

Third place - Dorin Rusu/TV NORD - "Rocky Interests from Horodiște."

Third place - Ștefan Bejan/TV8.MD - "Money Pits": Huge Craters and Damages of Millions Appeared After the Repair of Some Roads in the Republic of Moldova.

Mention – Adela Ouș/Teleradio Moldova Company – “Mavila Măgurii.”

Mention - Ion Răilean/TVR Moldova - "At Râșcova, We Learn to Grow Vegetables Naturally."


First place - Felicia Crețu/CU SENS - "Guarding the Environment with a Pen and Paper."

Second place - Patricia Mihaila/ - "Through Pastures and Meadows: The Botanist Who Rediscovers the Flora of Moldova."

Third place - Carolina Buimestru/Free Europe Moldova - "How a Child Grew 100 Oak Trees in One Year."

Third place - Olga Scripnic/ - "Why Would I Sort? The Waste Path and Why It Matters Where You Throw Your Rubbish."

Mention - Georgeta Carasiucenco/ - "How to Get an Organic Certificate for Fruits and Vegetables."

Category Most Active Newsroom:

The "Moldova Gândește" team and "Ziarul de Gardă."

The "Environmental Journalism Awards" competition was launched in 2013 by the Association of Environmental Journalists and Ecological Tourism (AJMTEM).

Textele de pe pagina web a Centrului de Investigații Jurnalistice sunt realizate de jurnaliști, cu respectarea normelor deontologice și sunt protejate de dreptul de autor. Preluarea textelor știrilor și a investigațiilor jurnalistice se realizează în limita maximă de 500 de semne. În mod obligatoriu, în cazul paginilor web (portaluri, agenții, instituţii media sau bloguri) trebuie indicat şi linkul direct la articolul preluat de pe în primul alineat, iar în cazul posturilor de radio și TV – se citează obligatoriu sursa.

Preluarea integrală a textelor se poate realiza doar în condiţiile unui acord prealabil semnat cu Centrul de Investigații Jurnalistice.

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