The Republic of Moldova, left in the dark, following the attacks launched by the Russians on the energy system in Ukraine

Cornelia Cozonac
Foto: CIJM

The Republic of Moldova remained in total darkness on Wednesday afternoon, as a result of the Russian bombing of Ukraine's energy infrastructure. Because of the lack of electricity, some mobile and internet networks also went down. Reconnection started gradually after 1-3 hours in the capital, and  in the other localities later. In the neighboring country of Ukraine, telegram channels announce a lack of electricity in all regions until Thursday.

"Dear citizens, today we have a repeat of the situation from November 15. Following Russia's bombing of the Ukrainian energy system in the last hour, we have massive blackouts across the country. Moldelectrica is working to restore the electricity connection. I will return with additional information as soon as possible," said Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spânu.

For her part, President Maia Sandu said that "Russia has left Moldova in the dark."

"Russia's war in Ukraine is killing people, destroying apartment buildings and energy infrastructure with missiles", declared the head of state. "Attacks continue even now in Ukraine. People pull out the wounded from under the rubble. And they mourn their deceased loved ones. People's lives cannot be turned back. But the electricity supply can be restored. We will solve the technical problems and we will have light again. All state institutions work in this sense. We cannot trust a regime that leaves us in the dark and cold, that intentionally kills people, out of the simple desire to keep other peoples in poverty and humiliation. However difficult it may be now, our only path, the future path of the Republic of Moldova, must remain towards the free world”.
The energy systems of Moldova and Ukraine are interconnected. The synchronization of Ukraine and Moldova with the European system began on February 23, the day before the outbreak of war, and ended on February 26, breaking forever from the old system of connection with Russia and Belarus.

After the Cuciurgan Power Plant located in the Transnistrian region stopped delivering electricity citing insufficient gas, Ukraine could no longer sell energy due to Russian bombings of the energy infrastructure.  Moldova reconnected to the energy system of Romania. The electric current that comes from Romania passes through Ukraine and it shuts down automatically because of the bombings.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nicu Popescu, urgently requested that the ambassador of the Russian Federation be summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Chisinau, to express to him "our country's strong protest in connection with  the bombing of Ukrainian civil infrastructure targets, which created a shortage of electricity."

Cornelia Cozonac

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