Unjustified property: Head of the " Green Spaces Association" targeted by ANI. For what amount the official cannot be held accountable

Irina Odobescu
Скриншот: Примэрия муниципия Кишинева в Facebook

The National Integrity Authority (ANI) issued on Tuesday, an act of finding against the director of the State Enterprise" Green Spaces Association" in Chisinau, Serghei Carp (photo), that revealed a huge unjustified difference between the acquired property and his incomes in the amount of 325,530 lei.

During the investigations, it was established that the spouse reported income in the amount of 353,165 lei, obtained from salary, pension and a possible donation of about 69,000 lei from the in-laws.

However, Serghei Carp and his wife had more expenses than income, about 679,000 lei. From this money, over 64,000 lei were directed to pay a loan, about 70,000 lei for payments by bank card, about 150,000 lei were withdrawn in cash through ATMs, and 20,000 euros they paid for a plot of land for constructions in Ialoveni district.

Based on this information, the integrity inspector noticed this huge difference of 325,530 lei between the income indicated by the spouse and the expenses.

The director of the State Enterprise “Green Spaces Association” Serghei Carp said that the money was obtained from a donation from the in-laws and some loans from individuals, but he could not justify the amount through truthful and authentic documents.

As a result of the findings, ANI will start a trial to order the confiscation of unjustified assets of 325,530 lei, and submitted to the General Prosecutor's Office of Moldova a complaint in terms of false statements in the control. If the finding is final, ANI will notify Chisinau City Hall on his dismissal and will be recorded in the Register of Prohibitions.

Irina Odobescu

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