VIDEO Former Education Minister of Moldova, Maia Sandu launched a political party
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Maia Sandu, former Minister of Education, announced on the Facebook page about the launch of a movement to create a new political party.

“I know that many of you don't feel like making politics, particularly in current conditions when there seems to be no room for honest people at power. But we have come to realize that if we don't make a step forward and don't change the current political class, we may lose what has left for all of us", wrote the former Minister of Education. Maia Sandu said that she was encouraged by people to make this step.

“For 25 years this piece of land struggles to become a country: a prosperous country in which we want to live, to create families, to raise and educate our children, to let our parents age with dignity. All our attempts failed because we made the same mistakes. One of these is to give trust to politicians who make empty promises and they forget us, the voters. We need other people to rule the country ", writes portal launched by Maia Sandu.

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