The saga of former vice-president of the CSJ, Oleg Sternioala

Viorica Mija
Colaj CIJM

The file in which the former vice-president of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), Oleg Sternioală, requests the annulment of the decision of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), by which consent was given to be prosecuted for illicit enrichment, has reached his former subordinates. In the meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, April 12, a panel of the CSJ will examine the ex- magistrate's appeal to the decision of the Chisinau Court of Appeal, after at least 10 postponements. presented exclusive images from the luxury home of the Sternioala family.

Oleg Sternioală, former vice-president of the Supreme Court of Justice, has been on trial for three years with the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM). The litigation was before the Chisinau Court of Appeal, which rejected the action in which he requested the annulment of the CSM's decisions regarding the release of the agreement for carrying out criminal prosecution actions regarding him, as well as the Decision regarding the closed session examination of notification to the General Prosecutor's Office, regarding the release of the agreement for carrying out criminal prosecution actions.

Magistrate Angela Bostan formulated a separate opinion, noting that the SCM meeting was held in the absence of Oleg Sternioala, and "in the materials of the administrative file, there is no confirmation of the fact that the latter was informed in the manner provided by law about the date, place, and time of the meeting to the Council, at which the action of the Acting General Prosecutor was to be discussed."

Sternioala appealed the decision to the CSJ, and on September 14, 2022, the first hearing to examine the admissibility of the appeal was to take place. However, since then, the examination has been rescheduled 10 times, and a recusal action and a declaration of abstention have been submitted.

Therefore, it is unclear what will be the fate of the meeting on April 12, 2023, which is scheduled for 9:00 a.m.

We remind you that, in November 2019, the CSM gave its consent for Oleg Sternioala to be criminally investigated for illicit enrichment. The prosecutors stated that the judge purchased the building where he lived with his family, having a power of attorney from his deceased father, and the money used in this transaction would come from illegal sources. At the same time, according to the accusers, the Sternioala family reported an official income of 7.08 million lei but, at the same time, purchased several luxury goods, the estimated value of which exceeds the amount of 13.8 million lei.

At the beginning of December 2020, Oleg Sernioala submitted a request for resignation, which was accepted by the Superior Council of the Magistracy.

On January 12, 2020, prosecutors managed to enter the former magistrate's home to assess his assets. He opened the gates himself after seeing the intervention team prepared to forcefully enter his household. However, Sternioala did not allow law enforcement officials access to his yard the day before.

Oleg Sternioala pleads not guilty and believes that the criminal trial and the accusations of the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office were aimed at removing him from the judicial system.

Viorica Mija

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