The Superior Council of Magistracy Issued the Consent for the Initiation of Criminal Proceedings in the Case of a Magistrate Suspected of False Statements
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The Superior Council of Magistracy issued on September 22 the consent to initiate criminal proceedings against the judge of the Chisinau Court, Aureliu Postica. Another accusation brought to the magistrate is that he would have declared income that Seven members of the CSM, who were present, responded to the notification that was submitted by the acting General Prosecutor, Dumitru Robu. The debates took place behind closed doors.

Aureliu Postică is suspected of making false statements. More specifically, the offense concerns “intentional inclusion of incomplete or false data, intentional non-inclusion of data in the declaration of assets and personal interests”. It is punishable by a fine of 400 to 600 conventional units or imprisonment of up to 1 year, in both cases with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or to exercise a particular activity for 2 to 5 years.

Another accusation brought to the magistrate is that he would have declared income that does not correspond to reality from the activity of his wife's two financial and accounting consultancy firms, but also would have reduced the price indicated in the Declaration of wealth and personal interests for the house.

Aureliu Postică gave an exclusive interview to, which will be published shortly. The magistrate declares that he can prove his innocence on all charges.

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