Anti-corruption prosecutors have again charged the suspended deputy prosecutor general, Ruslan Popov, with self-enrichment following an investigation carried out by the Center for Investigative Journalism in Moldova (CIJM). One of the subjects targeted in the investigation threatened the investigator, Julieta Savitchi, with a lawsuit and a complaint to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
The person who threatened the journalist is Lilian Racoviţă, he has been living in the USA for several years, and last autumn, a few days before Ruslan Popov was detained, he registered on his name the share of a business owned by the prosecutor's son in Orhei. Lilian Racoviţă accuses the author of the investigation of having written that he was a former police officer, which would damage his own image and „would set unfavorable legal circumstances".
Racoviţă claims that he was called by Alexandru Popov's lawyer and was informed that the criminal investigation documents show that he was a former police officer, which is „a fake from the investigation".
Racoviţă demanded that a denial be published, he warned that he would go to court and he would file complaints "at the US Embassy in Chisinau and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to examine the repeated attack and the intentional use of fake data by you about me ".
We remind that in the CIJM investigation it is not written that Lilian Racoviţă was a policeman, but a graduate of the Police Academy, which was previously confirmed by him.
At the request of CIJM reporters, anti-corruption prosecutor Nadejda Busuioc confirmed that Ruslan Popov is also under criminal investigation in connection with the Orhei farming business. The prosecutor said that she did not show in documents that Racoviţă was a former police officer. „I said that he was from Popov’s entourage. Otherwise, I don't really care where he worked in the past ", said Nadejda Busuioc.
In October last year, the CIJM published an investigation which revealed that the family of Deputy Prosecutor General Ruslan Popov, under criminal investigation for illicit enrichment, would control, in addition to the orchard and refrigerator in Milestii Mici, a third of a farming business in Braviceni village, Orhei district. This case, which was revealed by the reporters of the Center for Investigative Journalism, is not registered on the prosecutor's name, has not been and is not declared. It is a super intensive apple orchard, arranged according to the most modern standards. The share in the business was initially registered on Alexandru Popov’s name, the prosecutor's eldest son, who was a 19-year-old student at the time. Shortly before Ruslan Popov was arrested in the case of illicit enrichment, the share of the business in Braviceni was registered on the name of a resident of Milestii Mici, settled in the USA, a good friend of the prosecutor.
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