Maia Sandu dots the i"s: "The status of neutrality does not mean that we should not defend ourselves"
Colaj CIJM

President Maia Sandu condemned the overflight of the Republic of Moldova's airspace by a missile launched by the Russian military. The incident, confirmed by both the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Moldova and the command of the Ukrainian Air Force, took place on Friday morning.

Sandu stated that Moldova's status as a neutral country does not negate the need for defense in the face of a blatant violation of the country's sovereign airspace.

"I strongly condemn the violation of Moldova's airspace by a Russian missile. Moldova deserves peace and security, and we will take all necessary steps to achieve it. Neutrality does not mean that we should not defend ourselves," wrote Sandu.

The Republic of Moldova's airspace was flown over by a Russian missile on Friday, confirmed by the Ministry of Defense. The responsible authorities within the ministry detected the missile at 10:18 am.

The missile passed over the town of Mocra in the Transnistrian region and later, over the town of Cosauți in the Soroca district, before heading towards Ukraine.

In response, the head of diplomacy for the Republic of Moldova, Nicu Popescu, summoned the ambassador of the Russian Federation to Chisinau, Oleg Vasnetsov, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to address the unacceptable violation of Moldova's airspace and sovereign territory.

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