The participants of the Great National Assembly in Chisinau, gathering to reaffirm the European vetor of the Republic of Moldova, unanimously passed a resolution, the full text of which is as follows:
"We, the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, urge the political class, all parties, politicians, and future governing bodies to:
Amend the constitution of the Republic of Moldova to firmly and irreversibly establish the country's accession to the EU. This collective aspiration must be pursued by all political actors in the Republic of Moldova.
Expedite the commencement of accession negotiations and strengthen state institutions to facilitate EU membership.
Ensure the adoption of European legislation, adequately prepare civil servants, mayors, and business owners to fully harness the benefits of membership and drive the modernization of our country.
Expand the international framework for negotiations towards a peaceful and definitive resolution of the Transnistrian conflict, leveraging the EU accession process as a catalyst for raising the living standards of citizens in the Transnistrian reintegration region.
Pool efforts to enhance the quality of life for all citizens, including the modernization of local communities to provide European-level services.
Integrate the national infrastructure system with the European market to eliminate any potential forms of manipulation, ensuring the independence of the Republic of Moldova to freely develop without constraints.
Condemn with dignity the illegal and inhumane war initiated by Russia in Ukraine, taking a clear stance against the aggressors. Reflecting the desires of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, we appeal to the European institutions to support our country and consider its integration after fulfilling the accession requirements.
Joining the EU is the unwavering path chosen by the Republic of Moldova. May God help us."
For further information on the "European Moldova" National Assembly, please refer to the LIVE/TEXT // The "European Moldova" Assembly began in Chisinau // Maia Sandu: "Moldova will join the EU and this must happen by 2030".
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