Thank you for joining us in 2022 // The team of the Center for Investigative Journalism wishes you a Happy New Year!

Cornelia Cozonac

Dear readers, friends, partners and supporters,

The year-end was a difficult one, which put to the test not only our journalistic abilities to report about a war that affects us, about the humanitarian, economic, and energy crisis generated by this war, but also our stress resistance, and work in crisis conditions. And this year, the team of the Center for Journalistic Investigations and the portal investigated and uncovered corruption schemes, influence peddling and embezzlement of public money, rigged purchases, and integrity issues in the judiciary and the public sector. We kept an eye on the reforms initiated by the government, but we were not strangers to the citizens' problems. 2022 has been a tough year, but we have to appreciate that we have come this far.

As 2022 draws to a close, we want to thank you very much for the support you gave this year to the Center for Investigative Journalism' team. Without your support, we would not have been able to do our work well and professionally. This year, the small team, but with brave journalists, of the Center for  Investigative Journalism carried out 51 journalistic investigations and over 4000 other journalistic materials, which were published on the portals and

This year, prosecutors initiated 3 criminal cases, based on journalistic investigations, and continued the criminal investigation in 8 other criminal cases started in the previous year. Former president Igor Dodon was sent to court in the Energocom case, which started based on a journalistic investigation by our team carried out in 2008. Two former chief prosecutors were removed from the system as a result of CIJM investigations, which were the basis of the criminal cases started for illicit enrichment. The National Integrity Authority started checks in the case of several civil servants after they were targeted in our team's journalistic investigations.

In the past year, we also had problems: there were verbal attacks on reporters, fake accounts were created to discredit us, the website was also attacked, we were sued by protagonists of our investigations, criminal proceedings were started against investigative journalists, also following the complaints of some persons targeted in our investigations. We resisted.

But because investigative journalism is expensive, time-consuming, and human-resource-intensive, we still depend on the support of donors and contributions from citizens everywhere, and we are grateful for the people who support us, through small contributions, including 2% of income tax, those who read our materials, volunteer their time to share them and those who use our resources or report to us, especially on the Corruption Map, cases of corruption, abuse of officials, fraudulent management of public money and integrity issues.

We also thank those who helped us in the process of documenting the journalistic investigations.

We are grateful not only for the successes but also that we were able to increase our performance goals this year. These would not be possible without the involvement of our team, partners and supporters whom we appreciate infinitely.

The Anticorupț portal, a niche with a special theme, was followed by 1.3 million unique visitors, who accessed our journalistic products more than 5 million times.

In the coming year - 2023 we wish for peace and for our loved ones to be healthy. To all those who joined us in 2022, we thank you and wish you that in 2023 you will have everything you want, be healthy and your loved ones will be with you, be successful in everything you set out to do and dream, and let the dreams take shape!

We are waiting for you to follow us and join us in the new year!

Happy New Year!

With love,

The team of the Center for Investigative Journalism

Cornelia Cozonac

Textele de pe pagina web a Centrului de Investigații Jurnalistice sunt realizate de jurnaliști, cu respectarea normelor deontologice și sunt protejate de dreptul de autor. Preluarea textelor știrilor și a investigațiilor jurnalistice se realizează în limita maximă de 500 de semne. În mod obligatoriu, în cazul paginilor web (portaluri, agenții, instituţii media sau bloguri) trebuie indicat şi linkul direct la articolul preluat de pe în primul alineat, iar în cazul posturilor de radio și TV – se citează obligatoriu sursa.

Preluarea integrală a textelor se poate realiza doar în condiţiile unui acord prealabil semnat cu Centrul de Investigații Jurnalistice.

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