The Chisinau District Court, Ciocana office, rejected the prosecutor's order to initiate criminal prosecution for illicit enrichment in the name of the former Minister of the Interior during the Democratic Party government, Alexandru Jizdan. The decision is subject to appeal in the hierarchically superior court.
After the searches carried out in June 2022, at Jizdan's residence, the prosecutors almost did not carry out any further criminal prosecution actions because Jizdan's lawyers contested in court the order to start the criminal prosecution.
As requested on the phone by the reporters of the Anticorupţ portal, the lawyer Ruslan Dodica refused to give us statements regarding the decision made by the magistrate Constantin Damaschin, and Alexandru Jizdan had his phone closed.
In May 2021, the National Integrity Authority established a difference of 770,000 lei between the declared and obtained incomes of Alexandru Jizdan. The former deputy did not include information about salary income and personal allowances totaling more than 53,000 lei. As well, not included in the declaration were buildings in the town of Molovata, Dubăsari district, three real estates owned by one of his children, located in a city in the south of the Netherlands, including an apartment." said a statement issued by ANI.
In early 2020, another Integrity inspector fined Jizdan for late submission of the tax declaration and personal interests.
The Integrity inspector partially accepted the explanations presented by the democratic deputy about the cash deposits of 38,850 euros on the accounts of one of his sons and ordered the confiscation of the unexplained wealth of over 770,000 lei.
The inspector notified the General Prosecutor's Office on the aspect of forgery in the explanations.
On the other hand, Jizdan said he had admitted omissions because he had not had the necessary information at the time of completing the declaration, without presenting evidence in this regard, according to the Integrity inspector.
In December 2020, the Center for Journalistic Investigations investigated the construction of luxury villas on the right bank of the Dniester River by politicians, businessmen, civil servants, artists, and policemen.
Alexandru Jizdan was also mentioned in this investigation. He had procured in 2018, holding the post of Minister of the Interior, a house of 108 square meters and a plot of land of 0.2884 hectares, on which there were two additional buildings. It should be mentioned that Jizdan is a neighbor of Igor Dodon, ex-Moldovan president, who also owns several properties in Molovata.
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