The former deputy general prosecutor, Ruslan Popov, accused in a case of illicit enrichment and false public statements, lost the case against the General Prosecutor's Office in the first instance. The decision was pronounced on Tuesday, February 20, by Judge Violeta Chiselita. In November 2023, Ruslan Popov, who also held the position of Deputy Prosecutor General alongside Alexandr Stoianoglo, lost the case against the Center for Investigative Journalism (CIJM). Popov sued CIJM after journalists from the portal exposed his business in Mileştii Mici, which he managed but was registered in the name of his father, a pensioner over 70 years old. Following these investigations, the National Integrity Authority checked the wealth of the former prosecutor, and the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office opened a criminal case for illicit enrichment. As a result, Ruslan Popov also lost his position in the Prosecutor's Office.
Ruslan Popov sued the General Prosecutor's Office, requesting the finding of a violation of the right to information, but also the collection of moral damages of 50 thousand lei and court costs from the institution he led. The Chisinau Court, Râșcani headquarters, where the former prosecutor filed the request, considered that his action was unfounded. The decision can be challenged at the Chisinau Court of Appeal.
The trial in which Ruslan Popov is accused of illicit enrichment is progressing. The last hearing, held in January, was postponed because neither the defendant nor his defense attorney showed up. The next meeting is planned for March 15.
The former prosecutor is also charged with committing eight episodes of forgery in the declaration of assets and personal interests.
Detained at the beginning of October 2021, Popov was in preventive detention for almost 30 days in the isolation cell of the National Anticorruption Center.
Initially, the Chisinau Court ordered his placement under house arrest, but a few days later the Chisinau Court of Appeal granted the anti-corruption prosecutors' request to place him in solitary confinement.
Later, the Chisinau Court of Appeal modified the decisions of the trial court regarding Popov, extending his house arrest.
Prosecutor Popov was suspended from his position during the investigation, and in March 2021, he submitted a request for release from the system, which was accepted.
The accused pleads not guilty.
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