Impact of an investigation by CIJM: Ruslan Popov, Deputy Prosecutor General, detained for illicit enrichment

Julieta Saviţchi

Suspended Deputy Prosecutor General Ruslan Popov was detained on Saturday morning by anti-corruption prosecutors and Intelligence and Security Service officers. Ruslan Popov is suspected of illicit enrichment.  Prosecutors raided the luxury home of the prosecutor in the village of Milestii Mici, Ialoveni district, on Saturday morning.

The interim prosecutor general Dumitru Robu said that Popov is being prosecuted by the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office for illicit enrichment. Robu also said that the case was started as a result of the analysis of the information appeared during the journalistic investigations and the evidence collected on the case.

Last year, the Center for Investigative Journalism published a series of investigations into Ruslan Popov's property and alleged camouflaged business. Reporters described the prosecutor's business in agriculture, a business registered in his father's name, a refrigerator for storing fruit, housing and luxury cars.

On January 23, 2020, one day after the publication of the investigation into Popov's property, the General Prosecutor Alexandr Stoianoglo asked the National Integrity Authority to check the property of his deputy prosecutor, Ruslan Popov.

The General Prosecutor's Office announced that Stoianoglo made this decision at the request of Ruslan Popov, who, in turn, described the information about him as derogatory and threatens his honor and of his family.

A year and eight months  later after the start of the checks, ANI did not make a decision regarding Ruslan Popov on the grounds that "the verification actions are complex and time consuming".

Deputy Prosecutor General Ruslan Popov sued the Center for Investigative Journalism for violating honor and dignity. The trial is currently pending in the first instance.

Julieta Saviţchi

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