The former deputy of the ousted general prosecutor, Mircea Roșioru, a certified lawyer

Viorica Mija
Colaj CIJM

The former deputy to the  General prosecutor, who was dismissed by President Maia Sandu on Tuesday, is now free to pursue a career in law. In a recent court ruling, Mircea Roșioru emerged victorious in a legal dispute against the Union of Lawyers of the Republic of Moldova (UAM), compelling them to issue favorable documents in his name. In an investigative report titled  "ADMITTED TO THE BAR THROUGH THE BACK DOOR" revealed that in 2022, the UAM reviewed its decisions concerning several prosecutors who had chosen to transition to a career as defense attorneys. Over the course of months and even years, these individuals were granted this privilege following court rulings, and the UAM, bound by court orders, subsequently approved favorable decisions for them. During the past year, the list of former prosecutors equipped with legal documents expanded to include individuals whose reputations had been tarnished by suspicions of integrity issues, some of whom had been subjects of investigations by the Center for  Investigative Journalism (CIJM), which uncovered irregularities in their activities. Among them were two former prosecutors: Vladislav Cojocaru, known for his multimillion-leu wealth, which he tried to justify with hilarious explanations, and Ruslan Popov, who faced a criminal investigation for illicit enrichment and making false public statements as a result of several CIJM.

Mircea Roşioru was initially implicated in the Stoianoglo case for alleged complicity in the release of businessman Veaceslav Platon from prison. However, in December 2021, he was removed from the criminal investigation after prosecutors failed to substantiate their suspicions with concrete evidence. In October 2021, shortly after Alexander Stoianoglo's arrest, Roșioru submitted a resignation request for both his position and his role within the system.

Roşioru explained to Anticorupţ that he was leaving the system to facilitate change. "A change is probably needed, and I don't want to hinder it. I'm stepping aside to allow that change to happen," stated the legal professional.

Viorica Mija

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